What is Global Education?
Global Education is based the 4 Domains of Global Competency. These four domains are:
Investigating The World
Recognizing Perspectives
Communicating Ideas
Taking Action
These domains align with the NYS Next Generation Learning Standards, The 7 Habits of Happy Kids, The PS 1K Mission Statement, Instructional Goals & CEP.

Why Does it Matter?
Global Education is an interdisciplinary approach to facilitate student growth so that students are able to be active participants in a future world that we as educators and parents may not be able to envision at this moment.
Global Education is based on academics but also improves upon the soft skills that students will need to be successful adults.

How can teachers use this Global Education Guide?
The resources and lessons on this website explore my journey as I infuse global education in my 12:1 classroom and the P.S. 1 Human Rights Club.
Every classroom is different but it is my hope that the resources, unit plan, lesson plans and blog help you to incorporate global education in your classroom.
It is important to remember that all children of all ages and abilities can participate in this type of learning. Global Education is meant to be interdisciplinary so that means that any lesson can be globalized!

How can parents & students use this global education guide?
It's important for both parents and students to understand that as individuals we are participants in a globalized society. Everything we do is interconnected!
I hope that the resources on this website inspire students and parents to build on those connections they already have, recognize the perspectives of others around the world and to take local action on global issues they really care about!